Search Results for 'Environmental awareness officer'

21 results found.

School children in city and county set to join Picker Pals to tackle national litter problem

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75 primary school classrooms across Galway City and County will this year join the litter-picking Picker Pals Programme, learning about how to make the world better and have fun doing it.

Westmeath County Council assisting Gardai following Athlone Civic Centre incident

Westmeath County Council has vowed to support the local Gardai with their ongoing investigations into a break-in and robbery incident which occurred at the Athlone Civic Centre during this past weekend.

Galway City Tidy Towns and Gardens Competition is now open for entries

Over the last year there has been something of a garden revolution taking place, with many people taking to their gardens like never before. After a break last year due to Covid restrictions, Galway City Council is now taking entries for the Galway City Tidy Towns and Garden Competition 2021. Entrants must be based in Galway City and can enter across categories such as ‘Best Front Garden’, ‘Best Residential Estate’, ‘Best Shop-front’, ‘Best Community Project’ and ‘Best School’.

Bird nesting season ban on hedge cutting until September

Galway City Council want to notify all landowners, farmers and gardeners in Galway City that hedge-cutting is strictly prohibited until September 1 to protect wildlife during bird nesting and breeding season.

Galway City Council launches nature photography competition for young people

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It has been a strange year for the children and young people of Galway. They have been through lockdowns, have missed hanging out with their friends and watched on as their world was turned upside down. However, one positive development has been the huge increase in the number of young people discovering their local green and blue spaces in Galway City.

Exciting community tourism mural for Athlone

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Athlone is to get its first community mural this summer on the underpass of the Garrycastle bridge along the Greenway.

Yoga can do it — anti dog fouling initiative launched

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Mayo County Council is to roll out a new campaign to encourage dog owners to remember to clean up after their dog in public places.

Green Dog Walkers initiative launched in Moate

Local councillors joined members of Moate Tidy Towns and the general public last week to launch The Green Dog Walkers initiative aimed at tackling the scourge of dog fouling in the town.

Moate community unites to tackle dog fouling problem

Moate community groups are coming together to tackle the problem of dog fouling that is destroying the streets of the town.

Westmeath schools snap up €4,500 in prizes

Seven lucky Westmeath primary schools have been presented with a prize fund totalling €4,500 by Kilbeggan Preservation and Development Association Ltd.


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